Why Exfoliate?
Who wants clear, vibrant glowing skin? It’s always been a sign of youth, health and vitality, so who doesn’t want that? Well it’s science folks, that in order to bring in the new, you’ve gotta do away with the old, which is precisely what exfoliation does.
You see, your skin has several layers, but in the top layer (the epidermis) you want to keep these little cells, called keratinocytes, moving. These flat, disc-shaped little guys are born at the base of the epidermis, and they move to the surface as they mature, stacking themselves like shingles on a roof. Eventually they flake off and become dust around the house, a process which takes approximately one month in young people. However, as we age, this process slows, and the cells don’t shed as rapidly, leaving them lying around on the surface of the skin, packing into pores and stretching them out, and overall creating a dull, sallow appearance. Ewwwwweeee!
Thankfully, exfoliation saves the day! It gets rid of all those dead keratinocytes, allowing the new fresher cells to show their glow. Not only that, but it stimulates the process of new skin cell growth, and preps the skin for the products that follow, by removing that dead skin barrier to allow for the full benefits of your skincare routine.
A good rule is to make sure you are exfoliating at least once a week, but up to 2-3x is even better, as long as your products are gentle and not irritating your skin. And you are in luck, because I happen to know of a few pretty great options to incorporate into your regimen.
Got dead keratinocytes lying around that you want to evict? Give me a shout! I’m happy to help you find the best solution for getting out with the old and in with the new!!
*Source: Write Your Skin, A Prescription for Change by Katie Rodan, M.D. & Kathy Fields, M.D.
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