I have been contemplating this website for quite some time now. I’ve had a series of brain blocks in my process of getting this website rolling, not the least was what I was going to be naming it. It’s super hard trying to decide what you want to be about, then having to find a name to reflect it in one, two, or three words? Yikes. I had the same problem when my husband (Jon) and I were naming our three girls. With the exception of our oldest daughter, it wasn’t until the last minute (like when we were signing the birth certificate) that we set the name in stone. My head was full of fears that people would hate the name, or there would be some horrible nickname that we’d overlooked that will inevitably get discovered when she is 13 years old. Ahhh, I drive myself crazy with the what-ifs…Okay, I
digress. Back to the name of this website. Anyhoo, I’ve been freaking myself out worrying about what people will think in the whole creation of this thing, but the one consistent message I keep getting from God is to look to Him, and follow Him faithfully. What other people think or say doesn’t matter. What matters is what He thinks. Funny thing is, the more I look to Jesus, the more I am inspired in photography. I want to see Him reflected in the world around me, and He is faithful to show me just that. He wants to show me The Light.
So that’s the first part. You may think its crazy, but there are no words to express my overwhelming love and devotion to this God who gave us everything, and I’m not going to be afraid to share it. The second aspect of the title is a bit more obvious, but still has a lot of meaning to me as a photographer. It was a little of an Ah-Hah! moment when I heard one of my favorite photography gurus, Jim Harmer from ImprovePhotography.com, share about how he had been reviewing many portfolios of people looking to make it in the photography industry. What he said that he most often saw was “boring light.” In that moment, it really clicked for me how much good photography is about discovering interesting light. Not just easy light, like the kind that you can get a neutral exposure in, but light that brings out the beauty in a scene around you. Light that allows a story to unfold for the viewer, or that brings out the emotion in a subject. You know it when you see it, but I think it’s hard to find. Anyways, after that, I made it a point to avoiding “boring light,” and to search for those golden moments.
So that’s it. That’s how it came about, and that’s what you will find woven throughout the pages of this site-that, and the fact that I’m married with three gorgeous girls and work two jobs. You’ll probably hear a bit about them too!